IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2018

I had a great time co-presenting our paper, “Liquid-Metal Microelectronics Integration for a Sensorized Soft Robot Skin” by Tess Hellebrekers, Kadri Bugra Ozutemiz, Jessica Yin, and Carmel Majidi at IROS 2018 in Madrid, Spain! I presented at the interactive poster session with Tess, a PhD candidate in the Robotics Institute and my research mentor since my freshman year. The conference was an incredible experience- I got to meet internationally acclaimed pioneers of robotics and firsthand see the strength of Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics/Engineering departments. It was super inspiring, and I’m excited to contribute to the fields of robotics and engineering in my future career!

I’d also like to give a huge thank you to IROS, CMU College of Engineering, CMU Mechanical Engineering, CMU Soft Machines Lab and CMU Undergraduate Research Office for the travel grants that allowed me to go the conference.